The Municipality of Utrecht uses Plandou as a digital building log

Plandou is used by the Municipality of Utrecht as a logbook for all data generated around technical installations. You should think of technical drawings, flow charts, inspection reports, lift book, etc. Dynamic data such as fault registrations are entered by maintenance companies. To streamline this, we have set up Plandou with various functionalities.

Municipalities manage various buildings, the maintenance of which is carried out by large maintenance companies. This involves a lot of data and because maintenance companies all work in their own way, this is difficult to streamline. The Municipality of Utrecht has asked us to help with this.

We have developed an adapter with large maintenance companies so that they can enter the data in their own way. The Municipality of Utrecht can then generate various reports with set contract conditions. Static documents such as PDFs are also uploaded and recorded under the various elements. In this way a complete log is formed of all elements within and around buildings.

Inspection reports and safety certificates are uploaded directly into Plandou by inspection authorities. The safety certificates can be QR code can then be easily called up by the fire department. In this way, different organizations can work on the same elements within Plandou.

Can Plandou also mean something to your municipality? Let us know because we are happy to demonstrate Plandou.

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